What if the Debate Were Moderated by a Trained Arbitrator/Mediator?

I am guessing like the rest of you, I am still reeling from last night’s presidential debate. I was so tense during the whole thing that I felt as if I had been through a horrifying experience. How could that have happened? Trump came in like a bulldozer and just kept stepping on the gas. Sadly, Biden did not seem to know how to deal with this attack. As Dana Bash on CNN stated, “It was a shit show!” I couldn’t help imagining how I, with my arbitration/mediation skills, could have moderated the debate, which may have resulted in a very different outcome. State the Rules and Control the Process. In every mediation and arbitration, I remind the parties that it is my job to control the process. They provide the evidence and information, but when it comes to procedure, I am the boss. So, knowing Trump’s track record, I would have sternly reminded the parties of their prior agreement to the debate format. “You will each have two ...