Terminating the Contract

When can either side terminate the contract? When is enough enough? There are numerous disputes that occur when either party terminates the home contractor-homeowner relationship. The homeowner may claim that the contractor has abandoned the job. A contractor may believe that the homeowner wrongfully terminated the contract, and that the job would have been properly completed if hehad been given the opportunity to finish. Courts may hold either party liable for wrongfully terminating a contract.

So, how can the parties know what to do when the relationship goes sour? I will cover this topic in my next series of posts, and welcome comments from those of you who have dealt with this issue.


Anonymous said…
I am a contractor who was wrongfully accused of abandoning a contract and just had to pay a judgement, which now the homeowner is unsatisfied with. He assumed the worst with our company and immediately hired legal counsel to advise him and take us to small claims court. The problem is that when we temporarily left do to in-accessable areas, he would no longer pay for completed work, and still owes us money. Not once did he try to resolve the issue directly with us or call to ask why, even though he had a message stating why. The judgement has been paid in good faith to the court, however we are still going to attemt to collect funds owed for labor completed. Is this possible even if the judge ruled that we breached the contract??
Anonymous said…
One more thing... be very careful who you contract with. Check their references as well, ie: other contractors who have been involved with them. And yes, do have a laywer review your contract for protection, even for the best clients. You never know and the CSLB is designed to protect the homeowner, not us as contactors.
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